Discover Your Depths - Sara Campbell

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Freedivers; a bunch of hippy, geeky ocean lovers

No idea who you are, but you've got the right idea!!! 

There's something magical about the freediving community. For the most part, we're a bunch of slightly hippy, geeky, obsessive, smart, chilled out but determined ocean lovers. We came to freediving through different paths; to get over fear of water, to increase our confidence in scuba diving (and then realised that freediving is WAY cooler :-), because we were inspired by others, or, as in my case, reluctantly because someone needed a safety buddy. But we find our synchronicity and similarities in the ocean; the fun, the challenges, the pain and frustration, the growth and the joy. 

For me the personal connections and experiences matter over and above any records or performances. When I received about 180 MINUS POINTS at the 2011 Kalamata World Championships just days after achieving my 104m CWT training dive (I announced three world records and the deepest I dove to was I think 24m!), people were baffled as to why I was so HAPPY. My answer: "Just look around us, we're by the ocean, we're all together and having an awesome time! Why shouldn't I be happy!"

My interview with Freedive Earth's hilarious Chris Crawshaw is a perfect example of just how fun it can be when freedivers get together and chew the cud... Here it is again.... Enjoy <3

Chris's official biog photo!

My Freediving Legends interviews were also created to bring our community closer, to bring the stars and legends into your front room and give you a feel for the person behind the myths and records. If you missed my first interview with Natalia and Alexey, in memory of our honourary Queen, you can watch it again here.

Have a gorgeous weekend, get out there in in the ocean, and if you can't get wet, make sure you hang out with some like-minded dudes and have fun!