Discover Your Depths - Sara Campbell

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Meeting the Dalai Lama

Photo credit: Benoit Meeus

Sometimes blessings are simply too great to be put into words. 

There's a little game that I've sometimes played with friends... If you could have ANYONE, living or dead, to a dinner party, who would you want around your table? Pretty much top of my list has been His Holiness the Dalai Lama every time. But I don't think I ever believed I would get to meet him because I couldn't concieve of how our paths might cross. Certainly not over a dinner table...

But, the Law of Attraction really works. It isn't interested in the details of when, where and how, and if you over-plan, you over-control and of course the Universe can't deliver if you get too specific on details. But if you make a wish and just put it out there, trusting the Universe to deliver it in the time and space that is meant to be, and then you just let it go... Miracles do happen!

Today I feel deeply peaceful and truly blessed. This man is the manifestation of peace and love on earth and we could all benefit from taking his simple words and philosophy to heart. You can listen to his discourse here - the quality isn't the best, but it is worth it to be blessed by his gems of wisdom, sprinkled with his unique humour and humility. 

Have a beautiful day, Sat Nam <3