Winter Alignment Mini-Retreat

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Screenshot 2018-11-07 16.59.36.png

Winter Alignment Mini-Retreat


As human beings we are OF nature, not separate from it, and as such all seasonal changes - the subtle as well as the more obvious - affect us also. When we understand the energies connected to each season, we can align our lifestyle choices and our yoga practice to maximise the benefits we can receive from each unique season, to find balance and harmony throughout the year.

Our Winter Alignment retreat focuses on the downward pull of this ‘end-of-year’ energy. Winter invites us to go inward, slow down, to take stock and reflect, to nurture, and nourish ourselves, and be quiet - just as we see in nature as the trees lose their leaves, animals may go into hibernation, and the days shorten and the temperatures drop.

It is the time where we heal what needs to be healed, release what needs to be released, in order to be able to flourish and grow, unhindered or held back by the past, when the uplifting and expanding energy of Spring arrives.

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