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The Relaxation Response - a Brussels Soiree

  • Les Sources 48 Rue Kelle Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Bruxelles, 1200 Belgium (map)
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A personal development soiree for Mind, Body and Spirit
with Sara Campbell, Jean-Philippe Capieaux and Dominique de Troyer

Sara, Jean Philippe and Dominique are uniting to share their passion for helping people find relaxation, happiness and fulfill their potential; join them for this incredible soirée to allow you to truly experience what it means to be deeply relaxed, and how to achieve that magical and hugely important state for yourself in your daily life. 

True relaxation means we experience a deep physiological and mental shift, where we can activate the natural healing response of both our mind and our body. In this state we can:

- regenerate the body from illness, injury or surgery much more quickly; 

- focus our minds, and also train them to switch off more effectively when work is over or action is not possible (how many nights have you lain awake pondering a work problem that can only be solved the next day when you get back into the office?); 

- learn to be conscious in the present moment, allowing us to consciously communicate and act, rather than reflexively, and unconsciously react (we learn to come from our hearts rather than coming from our fears and insecurities), a syndrome that is responsible for most of the unhappiness in our lives and problems in our societies. 

This is an incredible opportunity to experience for yourself the merging of the traditional with the ground-breaking; ancient yogic and meditation techniques combined with the latest coaching methodologies based on scientific research into personal development and mental training.

18:00 - Welcome
18:30 - Kundalini Yoga with Sara
19:45 - Yoga Nidra and meditation with Jean Philippe
20:45 - Modern relaxation techniques with Dominique
21:30 - Closing

YOGA : Sara (teaching in English) will lead a Kundalini Yoga practice to target the stress response of the body and mind; it will balance the body's sympathetic nervous system (which controls the fight or flight response to stress) to help it respond in a healthier, less-overreactive way; and switch on the parasympathetic nervous system, which governs the innate wisdom of our body's natural healing response, where we regenerate both physically, mentally and energetically from all kinds of stress.

MEDITATION : Jean Philippe (teaching in French) will then direct you into correct Savasana (corpse pose - the posture of deep relaxation)before taking you into a deep Yoga Nidra practice, using gentle suggestion to ease the mind and body into a state of complete relaxation, and yet remain conscious to the surroundings. Yoga Nidra leaves you feeling like you’ve had a few hours sleep in just a few minutes. Jeanphi will close with a short seated meditation to demonstrate one of the most simple yet effective methods to train presence, mental discipline and peace; breath awareness.

RELAXATION AT WORK : Dominique (teaching in French) will guide you through some recent scientific insights to let you experience a simple yet profound exercise to enable you to use meditation and breathing in your daily business environment without needing to lie on a yoga mat or go into a deep relaxation. 

DATE : Tuesday 4th September
TIME : 18:00-21:30
VENUE : LA SOURCE, Woluwe, Brussels
REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT : Payment €30 per person via Paypal to Please email the same address so we can confirm your booking.


Sara Campbell has been guiding people to discover their depths since long before becoming a world champion freediver. Her jounrye of self-healing from ulcerative colitis led her to become a Kundalini yoga teacher and ultimately brought her to a new life in Dahab. Here she truly began exploring the concepts of life, happiness, success and failure, and how to reach our human potential, both in and out of the water, on and off the mat. 

Sara teaches yoga, meditation and freediving internationally, and also provides spiritual coaching for athletes, and anyone at a crossroads in their life. She has been involved in several TV documentaries on freediving and human potential, is the founder of Discover Your Depths, and has created her own online training programme, Yoga for Freediving.

Jean Philippe Capieaux pratique le yoga depuis 20 ans, enseignant certifié depuis 1999 Il a suivi des formations avec Sri Yogi Hari (Sampoorna) aux USA, ainsi qu’avec les Swamis des centres et ashrams de Yoga Sivananda de Paris, Chenaï et Neyardam (tradition monastique Inde du Sud). La pratique et l’enseignement de Jean-Philippe sont également inspirés par tous les enseignants qui au cours deséminaires en Belgique, de retraites ou de voyages à l'étranger ont pu le toucher ou participent encore à son évolution sur la voie. 

Au cours de séances structurées et fluides, il nous invite, par l'engagement actif de notre corps, de notre respiration et de notre conscience, dans l'ouverture et le respect de nos limitations du moment, à un retour aux sentiments d'apaisement, d'équilibre et d'unité que l'expérience directe du yoga peut nous laisser entrevoir. Il est également activement engagé dans la méditation depuis de nombreuses années, il suit de façon intensive les enseignements de maîtres de méditation réputés de tradition Bouddhiste. Pendant deux ans il a été chargé de cours dans le cadre d’un programme de gestion du stress et de bien-être au travail pour la direction générale de la police technique et scientifique.

Dominique De Troyer passe une bonne partie de ses loisirs la tête sous l’eau. Il se désigne volontiers lui-même comme Happy Freediver Inside. Il enseigne l’apnée comme instructeur et aide des sportifs et des moins-sportifs à atteindre leurs objectifs avec des pratiques de relaxation, de respiration, de visualisation, de méditation et de Yoga Pranayama au travers de son projet Catharsis.

Par ailleurs, Dominique est formateur, coach et partenaire-coopérateur chez Prana Training & Coaching depuis novembre 2009 où il utilise ces mêmes pratiques applicables sur le lieu de travail.  Auparavant, il a passé grande partie de sa carrière professionnelle, 23 ans, chez BNP Paribas Fortis dans des fonctions commerciales à divers niveaux de responsabilité et comme HR Manager.

Later Event: September 11
Holistic Freediving - OPEN