Mantras: Kundalini bliss for healing and opening your heart

You don't need to understand the sacred science of mantra to receive its benefits. You can simply enjoy it and trust that as you listen as you work, drive, cook, relax, or as you chant along in meditation, that it is having a deep healing effect on your whole being. 

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Why Nature is the best place for yoga

Sitting in London, watching the people rushing to and from the station and the traffic pound by outside the organic cafe where I am trying to stay calm and connected, I am strongly reminded how absolutely blessed I am to live where I live and do what I do. And I feel grateful that my lifestyle and location enable me to offer a haven of peace, healing and learning to others living in cities, giving them a real break from the relentless pace of life is relentless and helping them find inner calm and balance once more.

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Kundalini Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training in Egypt

Discover Your Depths is utterly humbled to announce that Amrit Nam Sarovar school is launching the first ever Kundalini Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training programme in Egypt. Dates: 11-14 Dec, 26 Feb-1 Mar, 23-26 Apr Egypt and 4-12 Jul France. Price: €2080 international guests, €1960 Egyptian residents. Discounts available

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